Frequent Questions
1. I am a current HCLI member: how should I log in to the website?
Log in with your Harvard Key, which is a password granted through Harvard. If you do not have a Harvard Key, claim it at: Once you log in, if you are a current member, the website will recognize you and allow you to purchase tickets to events restricted to HCLI members and allow you to renew your membership. Using this login also allows you to search the member directory for fellow alums who live near you, graduated in the same year, work at a particular company, or have a particular job title.
2. I am a former faculty member or student and have a Harvard Key: Why am I unable to login?
Only degree holders from Harvard who also have an address on Long Island that is known to the HAA can use their Harvard Key to log in to the Harvard Club of Long Island website. Create a Non-Alumni Login account and use that as your login going forward.
3. What if I am not eligible for a Harvard Key account?
You may still be eligible to join the HCLI and use all features of this website, except for the Member Search feature. Create a Non-Alumni Login account and use that as your login.